Last night - to wind down; put a bit of perspective on my life and view some quality acting - I watched '20th Century Women' directed by the artistically great Mike Mills.
I was blown away by the sheer realness exuding from Annette Bening. It was as if I was a fly on the wall watching the hustle and bustle in her household.
She has had 4 Oscar nominations - in my opinion an Oscar win is necessary for this wholesome, all-inclusive actress.
It's difficult to express how well-embodied and rounded she was as single Mom, Dorothea Fields. The depth and scope of her character wasn't played with a burdened effort - it came across completely naturally yet still contained the weightiness needed for the realism of this character.
Elle Fanning was a breath of fresh air as the crazy but caring Julie.
The topics raised throughout the film were so close to home. It exposed a Mother's struggling relationship with her teenage child. A quote which really stuck out to me was when the Mother and Son were discussing 'happiness' and thinking 'Am I happy?' The Mother responded with the frank reply:
'Wondering if you're happy it's a great shortcut to just being depressed'
The progression of child to teenager was conveyed sensitively by Lucas Jade Zumann and his struggles resonated with my teenage memories.
This kind of film makes me truly appreciate the practice of acting. It has the ability to evoke feelings in people and to simply convey reality.
I would love to be in a production of a similar genre at some point in my career. I love the idea of portraying an imperfect perfect world and sending out a feeling of slightly dysfunctional comfort to the viewing audience.
This is a great quality for a piece of creative work - The message that it's O.K. not to be O.K.
Love to hear critiques about performances - great - practitioners are practice for artists... we look to individual case studies to show the theories/concept being portrayed