Monday, 20 February 2017

Task 1a: CV Continuation

As actors, I feel as if we are constantly updating our CVs due to credits ever changing. We also want to avoid having outdated credits on our CVs. This can look unprofessional. I feel as if my CV comes across minimal. I'm worried that this will look less than impressive to casting directors. I also still have included productions in training. As a new graduate - I always wonder which training credits are relevant. I think perhaps the main productions in my final year are necessary to place on my actor's CV. I need to update my credits and perhaps look at changing the layout slightly once I have done this. I aim to get my headshots redone at some point in the near future, perhaps the coming fall. Once these are done - I must then redo my CV again with this updated addition. I feel as if, for performers, CVs are ongoing projects we must constantly keep on top of.


  1. I wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your posts. You've kept momentum, they are always interesting and you have a very natural writing style. Amanda

    1. Hi Amanda, this is lovely and reassuring to hear as a lot of the time I feel I don't plan my blogs as much as I should - I tend to let my train of thought flow. I really enjoy it and find it quite therapeutic.

  2. As a new graduate also I do feel we put so much pressure on ourselves to make sure your CV is correct the first time round but you are so right when you say it is an on going process. I think your CV looks professional, has key points and shows the best of yourself which you want an employer to see. I look forward to seeing it develop.


    1. Yes Kirsty, completely true - I get so stressed over little details i.e. How many credits to include?! Minor details which probably get overlooked all the time - yet as performers I think we tend to overthink everything! Hopefully will get it fully finished this week. I will have a look at your CV now to see am I on the right track

  3. I feel it is difficult ultimate to know how long to keep college performing credits on a CV. I think as a new graduate most dredits from training could be relevant and as you said especially last year credits, I no longer include my college performances on my CV, but I am now 5 years out of college. CVs Co stably change and develop and evolve throughout our career. I find it really is rereading looking at everyone's CVs. I think yours is laid out very well and the colour at the top really grabs attention, in a pile of CVS at an audition I think yours will definitely stand out!

    1. I know right? Other than some professional credits before and during training - my main worthwhile credits as a recent graduate are from my third year productions. I heard one time that agents and casting directors will bear these in mind if you are a recent graduate - so long as the part is worthwhile and substantial enough. So I am holding onto my training credits for a little while yet (until I hopefully build up a decent repertoire - fingers crossed). OK - I will take that from you, do you remember when you took your training credits off your CV, just so as I can have a rough idea when I might be best to take mine off?
      Thanks, I really liked yours and the use of colour too. I have just done a skeleton of my up-to-date credits, with the final design of my CV just left to do. Have a look at the info if you can and let me know if you can think of anything I need to add!
