Thursday, 12 October 2017

Exploring Ideas (Interview With Actor within the Industry - task 4A & C)

With this blog I have attached an interview I conducted yesterday (11/10/2017) with an actor within the industry, Christian James. He spoke about his ideas regarding some of the questions I have formed which I will potentially explore more for my inquiry.
Christian led the answers in interesting directions. For example, in regards to 'perfection' and 'image' he emphasised that we should strive to be ourselves within this industry. This got me thinking that maybe within the professional practice of acting it is majorly beneficial to get to know our 'casting type' and embrace that. Be the best we can be within our casting bracket - and that is as far as we can go with perfection. Trying to be something you are not only holds back your opportunities.

As well as this, rather than concentrating on the negative outcomes of the rise in self-taping, he referred to self-taping to be a solution for first-round long distance auditions. Perhaps auditions that we cannot make due to money / engagements would be made possible if given the option of a self-tape first round.

I had predicted a negative reaction to the world of self-tape from actors - however, from this I have learnt not to judge where a conversation will take you.

Have a listen!
(Questions as follow...)

Q 1: How has the method of self-taping affected your experience in the industry so far? Or affected your perception of the acting industry?

Q 2: How has the centrality of television / screen in people's lives changed the acting industry? Or the audition process?

Q 3: Do long distance auditions produce more or less opportunities? What is your experience with long distance auditions?

Q 4: Do you think self-tapes affect the spontaneity of the audition process?

Q 5: What is perfection? Do we strive for perfection in the audition room or in a self-tape, and is it achievable?

Q 6: Is talent a nature / nurture occurrence?

Q 7: Do you have any views on mind-set being a large contributor to success in the industry?

Q 8: Is image a large part of the industry and do you think there are pressures re. image and perfection within the industry?


  1. Hi Eleanor,

    I have such mixed views on the whole area of self-taping!! Sometimes, I totally agree with Christian that at times a self-tape is great when you don't have to physically be in the same place as the casting director! It makes the audition process more flexible! I also love the fact that if you don't give it your best shot the first time you can delete that take and start again.
    However, part of me wonders how much time the casting director takes to look at your tape and you never really know if they really had a good look at what you sent or if they skimmed over it!!
    I guess there are pros and cons the same way that there are for being in the room!

  2. Really found his interesting -Good to hear another actors thoughts on self-tapes. I agreed with Christian that it is benefical to be able watch back and improve. I particularly liked his comment that everyone is a critic now and that twitter and social media is affecting the amount of work that people are getting. All of these things have changed how people are perceived within the industry.
