Monday, 6 November 2017

6A - Planning Interviews

I have interviewed various actor friends of mine during the development of my module 2 studies. This was as much to further the clarification of my inquiry topic as anything. I found talking face to face really useful and airing my thoughts as well as hearing others' views on certain things opened a new element to my studies. These casual interviews were held in coffee shops and had a very personable atmosphere.
Thinking forward for my actual inquiry, I think perhaps I should opt for a different interview approach. This was not because the coffee shop interviews did not produce interesting ideas - but more so to create a style of interview that will bode well with my inquiry.
I plan to construct self-tape style interviews.

What is my relationship with the participant? I will use fellow actors, casting directors I have worked with as well as hopefully some other industry professionals.
How will I refer to them? I am toying with numbering the self-tapes in an audition style. i.e. Participant 1.
Type of interview I will hold? I plan to send out the questions via email the day before the interview, that way participants have a chance to read and prepare what they wish to share. The following day, they will send the self-tape to me via WeTransfer, or another appropriate file sharing forum.

A self-tape style interview may be beneficial and practical. Viewing the interview in the same seat as a casting director would view a self tape may give me insight into how focused an individual is on the appearance of the participant.
The questions will be the same for each participant, sent to them prior to the interview. The questions will be worded carefully so as not to sway the participant.
Organising a self tape style interview may prove more practical for people’s time schedules.
I should write up contracts for potential interviewees as well as an ETHIC RELEASE FORM
In this I will have to include a clause stating if the participant does not want their video being used within in the study, then can send an mp4 instead.
Likewise, I will state clearly that their image in the video will only be used for my inquiry only, it will not go public and it will be deleted off any devices once the study is complete.


  1. Hi Eleanor
    This is very much the way i am approaching my inquiry. I too am contacting fellow professionals. Initially by email and then working with questionaires and interviews. In the beginning I felt like there might not be enough to say but now I'm thinking there might be too much.

  2. Hi Eleanor,
    Although I am doing my inquiry on a complete different topic I have also looked a voice notes, Video tapes and written interviews in order to have a range of tools to see which one works best for my inquiry.
    Good luck with collecting your data,
