Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Task 1c: 45 second (ish...) Visual Audio Clip

In this visual audio clip I have mentioned some experiences which I have come across since starting module 1 of BAPP. These experiences have influenced my aspirations and intentions as a student studying the Professional Practice of acting. I reiterate how much I enjoy blogging and how this is something I can see myself doing alongside my professional career in order to reflect upon it as well as develop it.
Many actors I have come across have a keen interest in writing - whether it be columns in a magazine, blog or website... Surely it is a way to express our ideas with people who are like-minded (or alternatively, for people who are ignorant to our craft and something we write might spark interest in them).
Watch my short video (I swear I don't babble too much...) and please excuse the clothes horse in the background #LondonLife


  1. thanks Eleanor - yes agree about the written word and the interdisciplinarity involved in the acting career now

  2. Hi Eleanor
    Think your video is very natural and animated and your brave to be one of the first to do it.
    Do we have to post them as public so we can all view them or can we listed them as unlisted or private but still see through a you tube link? This is going back to the privacy within certain sectors of our industry. Thanks

  3. Hi Eleanor,

    I did this task weeks ago but only just found the courage to put it up... I'm hopeless at this sort of stuff.

    I'm sure you'll appreciate the #filter! Why do we do it? I don't even use Instagram!

    Best Wishes
