At yesterday’s Skype session, we were encouraged to practice our oral presentation. Basically getting the message and essence of our inquiry across clearly and effectively. I struggled at first to assess what was necessary and interesting to include.
After a few goes, we were advised to not think about our inquiry process in a chronological order. Instead, the best option for an inquiry presentation is to describe our project with a bird’s eye view. This means including realisations and ‘eureka’ moments early on in the presentation - not when we actually figured them out.
This encouraged me to formulate some slides in a power point presentation of what I initially felt was important to include. I then jumbled them up into no particular order. I will now go back to my presentation and review the order they are in - but this was a helpful method to get me out of the chronological method.
Thanks for this Eleanor. Interesting to hear because I was thinking of doing it in a chronological order too but I am now going to review this idea.