Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Skype Discussion: 17/04/2018 - Inquiry Themes aid the Artefact

I have been roughly planning and brainstorming ideas for my artefact. In today's Skype with fellow current module threes, the essence of the artefact became clearer. It has to display the account of the inquiry. This means it is not about my findings but about the process.
Themes that stayed with me through my inquiry, or emerged from it, can inform my artefact.

In line with my audio-visual artefact, I am going to start associating the themes formed within my inquiry to influence what I choose to portray in the "silent self-tapes". I have chosen to keep them silent to avoid the trap of relaying verbally the process of my inquiry. Instead, I want the self-tapes to convey a bigger picture of my inquiry and to use visuals effectively.

Self-tapes are a forum that is highly recognisable to people within my practice. Therefore, this lent to my decision to create self-tapes as my artefact.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

‘The Artefact’

Yesterday I attended the campus session in Middlesex university. There was a mix of module 1, 2 and 3s who attended the session. This proved useful when we began to form a ‘Glossary’ with words and phrases common within the BAPP and MAPP modules.

The Artefact can be described quite simply as ‘a thing’. Instead of leaving me confused about this mysterious concept - I left the campus session with a reassured sense of what it is I am expected to do
regarding the artefact. It is a thing that represents what it is I have found or discovered on the journey of my inquiry.

Post analysis I began to see clearly what my artefact ought to be, according to me and how to portray what I have found to my community of practice. I have used the practice of self-taping and referred to it throughout my inquiry. Therefore, it seemed fit to use a self-tape of me as my artefact. I began to sketch and jot down some plans for this in my notebook.

Monday, 2 April 2018

Different Entities Interlinking

Over the past while I have been working on my critical review for module 3. Things have been chopped and changed to give the initial structure of my first draft. What I find interesting is that every time I go back to look over what I've written - I find correlations between the literature and data collection analysis. There are many factors within my inquiry that influence or underline each other. More and more I am finding that there are few strict "separate sections" within my critical review. Instead I have found it helpful to tie in views and research stemming from different sources in order to reach a resounding theme or further questions. I am quickly coming around to the idea of using literature to underline or compare with data collection and my own experiences.

Another aspect of the inquiry which is becoming clearer is that we are not solving the world's problems in 6 weeks. As I am gathering information and analysing it; I have benefited from the small realisations along the learning curve. Anything that is relevant and helpful to me in my professional practice is significant in my eyes.

I may not be solving the world's problems; but I am learning how I may progress as an actor within my professional practice.